
Labor Support

While we do not speak for you, we will be by your side, encouraging you and/or your partner to ask questions to help you make the most informed decision regarding your birth throughout the perinatal period. We offer help from prenatal, to labor, to postpartum and we use tools to help your partner feel confident in supporting you physically and emotionally. We understand how sacred and vulnerable this time is and we are honored to help ease you into the many transitions you will experience throughout the perinatal period.

We offer: 

  • Physical and emotional support

  • Motherboard Birth Partner, exclusive membership access

  • Support for any type of birth (e.g. assisted home birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, non-medicated birth)

  • Postpartum Planning

  • Access to referrals

  • Resources and Evidence-Based Information

  • A variety of support packages

Postpartum Support

Transitioning into life with a new baby can be more difficult than expected. Your body may still be healing while you’re learning the ins and outs of your new baby, you may have forgotten what it feels like to get a full night’s rest, or you may need extra support. Let us take some of that weight off your shoulders.

We offer:

  • Overnight support

  • Emotional support for parents and immediate family

  • Sibling support

  • Physical support for mom

  • Education relating to feedings, soothing techniques, and cues to recognize signs of tiredness, hunger, fussiness, and over stimulation

  • Grocery shopping & meal prep

  • Light housekeeping

Childcare & Sibling Service

Given the uncertainty of your delivery date or recovery time, it can be difficult to plan for childcare for your children during the arrival of your new baby. Let us help ease your stress! We are nannies-turned-doulas, childcare comes naturally to us. Whether you are delivering in a birthing center and returning home within hours after delivery, planning a hospital delivery and are unsure of the length of your stay, or scheduling a cesarean and expected to recover in the hospital for several days, you can rely on us to provide short-term childcare and babysitting services that you can trust.

Baby-wearing Education

Most parents request and receive baby-wearing gear as a gift, but we find that many parents don’t feel confident enough to actually use it. We believe that baby-wearing is a skill worth learning: a study by Hunziker and Barr found that wearing a baby for three or more hours a day reduces infant crying up to 54%.* Another incredible fact: mothers and infants coordinate their heart rate during social interactions. This happens through touch and increases substantially when interacting with facial expressions and vocalization.** Baby-wearing is a unique bonding experience for you and your baby and leaves your hands free to tend to other siblings, house-hold chores, or to give your arms a break.

Our team has the education and experience with baby-wearing to offer you in-home lessons. We would be happy to guide you through the Do’s & Don’ts, safety techniques, and evidence-based information, leaving you confident, calm and happy knowing how to wear your baby proudly! The first hour of in-home baby-wearing education is free!

* Hunziker UA, Garr RG. (1986) Increased carrying reduces infant crying: A random-ized controlled trial. Pediatrics 77:641-648
**Feldman R et al. (2011). “Mother and infant coordinate heart rhythms through episodes of interaction synchrony.” Infant Behavior and Development, 34(4): 569-577.

Newborn Care Education

Transitioning from the comfortable, warm womb to the outside world is a big adjustment for an infant. With little-to-no newborn experience, adjusting to life with a little one can be even more overwhelming. Our team is excited to offer in-home education surrounding all things newborn care. We will discuss developmental milestones, cues and signs of hunger, tiredness and over-stimulation, and feeding support, whether you decide to nurse or bottle feed. We will also discuss bathing, swaddling, safe sleep practices and use of accessories you already own, designed perfectly for you and your family’s needs. Our team wants to leave you feeling confident and enlightened about all things baby! The first hour of in-home Newborn Care Education is free!